Your Best Butt Ever!

There’s nothing more alluring than a firm, curvy butt. Thankfully, great buns are within reach. Step one: Tackle the flab with glute-specific exercises. Step two: Shape your rear view by adding extra calorie-burning moves.

Our butt-building workout targets your lower body with intense muscle sculpting. And you’ll carve curves with the high-intensity cardio intervals. You can feel firmer in as few as six to 10 workouts. But if you put in the paces, in just eight to 12 weeks, you’ll create a head-turning rear view!


During moves that use weights, use a weight that is heavy enough to challenge your target muscles, but not so heavy that your back, hips or knees feel strained. Start with dumbbells that are at least 5 to 12 pounds in each hand, depending on your fitness level, and gradually work up to heavier weight, depending on the exercise.

Start by performing the cardio-sculpting circuit: one butt-burning cardio interval followed by one set of eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise. Progress through each pair all the way through the last exercise. Then repeat the circuit. Work up to doing three full circuits.

Do this workout three times a week, with a rest day in between.

Modify this workout to match your fitness level. Follow the recommended moves, or adapt them as needed by clicking on a similar exercise that is easier or more challenging.

Modify the butt-burning cardio moves to match your fitness level. March instead of jumping or jogging if needed. Wear sneakers during these intervals.

What you need: weights, a step and a resistance band.

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