Daily sex 'best for good sperm'

Having sex every day improves sperm quality and could boost the chances of getting pregnant, research suggests.


In a study of men with fertility problems, daily ejaculation for a week cut the amount of DNA damage seen in sperm samples.

Speaking at a fertility conference, the Australian researcher said general advice for couples had been to have sex every two or three days.

Early results from the trial had already shown promising results.

Perhaps we have been blaming the women as couples get older but perhaps there's a contribution from the male because we're not behaving as we should be
Dr David Greening
Sydney IVF

But 118 men have now been tested and the benefits for sperm have become clearer.

Dr David Greening, from Sydney IVF, told delegates at the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology meeting that eight in ten men taking part showed a 12% drop in sperm DNA damage after the seven days.

Although there was a big drop in sperm numbers from 180 million to 70 million over the week, men were still within the normal "fertile" range.

Sperm also became more active over the seven days with a small rise in motility, he added.


The theory is the longer sperm hang around in the testes the more likely they are to accumulate DNA damage and the warm environment could also make them more sluggish after a while.

Sperm come under attack by free radicals - small reactive molecules which can damage DNA and cause cell death - in the tube that stores and carries sperm away from the testes.

Further work is needed to work out if daily sex for men without fertility problems has the same benefits but Dr Greening believes it is likely to be the case.

He warns that having daily sex for too long - say a fortnight - would probably cut sperm numbers too much.

But recommended "lots of sex daily" around the time the woman is ovulating.

He said it was best to "keep the river flowing".

As men age they may not have as much sex as they did when they were younger, adding to the problem of infertility, Dr Greening told delegates.

"We are designed to breed in our youth.

"Perhaps we have been blaming the women as couples get older but perhaps there's a contribution from the male because we're not behaving as we should be."

The findings may also have implications for couples undergoing IVF as men are commonly told to abstain from sex for a couple of days to try and boost sperm numbers.

Dr Alan Pacey, a fertility expert at the University of Sheffield, said the finding that daily ejaculation improved the chances of conception was interesting, but it would be wrong to apply the results to all men.

"For example, in cases where men have low sperm counts to start with, daily ejaculations may well reduce the sperm count still further and whilst sperm may be more healthy the reduced numbers could impede the chance of natural conception.

"The best general advice is that if couples are attempting to conceive naturally, intercourse every couple of days will make sure the sperm are as healthy as possible on each occasion.

"However, in preparation for IVF or ICSI treatment, this advice may well change in response to medical test results like DNA damage measurements."



Understanding the Benefits of Circumcision

New Research Suggests Removal of the Foreskin has Many Benefits

Circumcison (removal of a male's foreskin) is one of the oldest surgical operations known to man - and one of the few matters about which both Muslims and Jews are in agreement.

However, the idea that the operation has health benefits has been for many years a matter of controversy even among members of the medical profession. Opinions have swung back and forth, but recent evidence appears to suggest that the operation does in fact confer some undeniable benefits.

Urinary tract infections (UTI)

Thomas Wiswell, an American paediatrician, was one of the first to document that male infants who had been circumcised had far less urine infections when compared to uncircumcised male infants. Analysing the medical records of some 400,000 infants, he published his findings in the journal Pediatrics in 1987 - and showed that among the male infants who suffered from UTI, the ratio of uncircumcised boys to those who had been circumcised was ten to one! Admittedly, infection of the urinary tract is much less common in boys when compared to girls - but Wiswell's findings were certainly significant, particularly because severe urinary tract infections in infancy can lead to kidney problems in later life.

The explanation is that the inner surface of the male prepuce harbours bacteria that are responsible for urine infection - and having such a reservoir of potential pathogens makes uncircumcised boys more susceptible to infection.


Circumcised men have up to 60% lower incidence of HIV infection. The explanation for this is similar - the prepuce has a large number of target cells for the virus. Moreover, being prone to tearing during unprotected sex, a torn or abraded foreskin provides an easy route for the virus to enter the body. Says Professor Roger Short of Melbourne University's department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, "Circumcision's protective effect has been proven beyond doubt. Removing the foreskin removes the main site of entry of HIV into the penis."

Cancers of the reproductive tract

Cervical cancer (cancer of the neck of the womb) was for many years noted to be uncommon in women belonging to ethnic and religious groups where men were circumcised. Today we know that this type of cancer of the female reproductive tract is associated with infection by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) - and surveys have shown that uncircumcised men are three times more likely to carry the HPV organism. Having regular sex with uncircumcised men therefore allows the woman to be infected with HPV - and interestingly, recent research studies show over 50% reduction in the risk of cervical cancer among women whose sexual partners are circumcised.

Cancer of the male penis is rare - but significantly, it is hardly ever seen in cirumcised males.

The pendulum swings again

During the early twentieth century, circumcising male infants at birth was almost a standard procedure in the United States. At the end of that century for various reasons circumcision rates had fallen significantly.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century however, with the emergence of new resarch, the operation appears to be coming back into vogue.

Top 10 Ways to Avoid a Heart Attack

Heart Tip 10: Exercise


This one is a no-brainer. When you lift weights, your muscles get stronger and healthier. Your heart is a muscle, so the same thing holds true for it. Doctors recommend 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three times a week at the bare minimum. If you want to really get yourself into shape, you should try and get that 30-minute workout in five to seven days a week. Not everyone loves to jog or go to the gym. This is why the key to any exercise plan is to make it something that you enjoy.

Heart Tip 9: Sleep


This tip is one most people can probably get behind. In today's hectic world, it seems like some of our basic needs aren't often met -- sleep is one of them. Although it varies for everyone, doctors suggest that you should get about 8 hours of sleep per night. Almost 60 percent of adults have problems sleeping, and only 37 percent get that recommended amount per night [source: National Sleep Foundation]. Not only does being tired all day hurt your performance, but research shows that too little or too much sleep can have some poor effects on your blood pressure and ticker, specifically.

Heart Tip 8: Aspirin


In 1998, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised people that have already had a heart attack to begin taking an aspirin a day to help prevent another one. The popular pain reliever, in low doses, works to help prevent clotting by thinning the blood. If your blood isn't clotting, you're less likely to have a heart attack. The American Heart Association (AHA) also suggests a daily dose of aspirin to help prevent a first and second heart attack.

Heart Tip 7: Lower Your Cholesterol


You can combat this in a couple of ways. There's the age-old advice to quit smoking, get on a healthy diet and exercise. Then there's a drug treatment called statins that can help lower your LDL levels.The American Heart Association recommends that fat not exceed 25 to 30 percent of your daily intake and your cholesterol from food not be more than 300 milligrams. You should also get 25 to 30 grams of fiber into your diet each day and see tip No. 1 for your exercise routine. Statins are the other option. If your doctor finds that your LDL levels are more than 130 grams per deciliter, he may decide to put you on one of the six brands of statin drugs on the market. Whether it's through diet and exercise, statins or both, lowering your cholesterol is a great way to help you avoid the dangers of a heart attack.

Heart Tip 6: Lower Your Blood Pressure


A lot of people may hear the words blood pressure and not even know what that actually means. It's pretty simple -- blood pressure is the measurement of the force of the blood against the walls of your blood vessels. When your blood pressure is measured, there are two readings -- systolic and diastolic. The systolic part refers to the pressure when your heart is expanded, and the diastolic reading is when your heart is at rest. They're given as systolic over diastolic, like a fraction.

Heart Tip 5: Chill Out


Everyone knows that being stressed out isn't a good feeling. Turns out, it goes a little deeper than that -- stress can actually have some pretty severe effects on your body. Research scientists in Canada performed a study and found that people who had heart attacks and returned to a stressful career were twice as likely to have a second attack as those who held down reasonably stress-free jobs [source: Time Magazine]. University of London researchers found similar results for people who had stressful intimate relationships.

Heart Tip 4: Stop Smoking

File this one under no-brainer as well. Every smoker on the planet knows that it's not good for them. The problem is that it's really difficult to quit. So difficult that nearly two-thirds of adults who want to quit aren't able to [source: Food and Drug Administration]. So hard that almost half of patients that undergo surgery for lung cancer continue to smoke. That's how tough it is. It's also extremely bad for your heart.

Heart Tip 3: Undergo Preventive Screenings


Preventive health screenings can give you and your doctor a lot of information about how at risk you are for cardiovascular disease. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that you start getting your blood pressure checked every two years starting at the age of 18. It also recommends having your cholesterol levels checked at age 18, and from then on, as often as your doctor thinks is necessary.

Heart Tip 2: Know Your Family Medical History


This one isn't as easy as you might think. Some families never suffer through a divorce and are open and honest about everything that goes on. Other families are fractured and distant, with medical goings on swept under the rug for the sake of not worrying children. Because of divorce, death and parents giving their children up for adoption, many adults may not even be acquainted with one or both of their parents at all, much less their medical histories. Some people have genetic predispositions to certain diseases and illnesses -- heart disease is no exception. If your father died from a heart attack at the age of 50, then chances are you may be headed down that same road. Even the healthiest of individuals can't do anything about the genes they inherited.

Heart Tip 1: Adopt a Heart-healthy Diet


You really are what you eat. If you dine on a steady flow of bacon and eggs, cheeseburgers, French fries and Twinkies, then you and your heart aren't going to be in the best condition. Adopting a heart-healthy diet is the most important thing you can do to benefit your ticker. It will help you to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol and limit the amount of bad fat you take in.

Legumes like beans and lentils are loaded with protein, fiber, iron and calcium and are free of fat and cholesterol. Nuts are packed with antioxidants, omega-3s, fiber and vitamin E, among other things. The important thing is to not think of it as a diet, but as a lifestyle change. Stay away from boxed food, head for the fruit and veggie aisle, and you're on your way to making sure there are no ambulances in your future.

Can animals predict death?

In July 2007, a fascinating story emerged in the New England Journal of Medicine about a cat that could "predict" the deaths of patients in a nursing home several hours before they died. Oscar, a cat adopted by the staff of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, R.I., has at least 25 successful predictions, in which patients died hours after the cat sat down by their beds. After the nursing home's staff caught on to Oscar's ability, they began alerting families whenever the cat took up his post next to a patient. Most families tolerate or even welcome his presence, though Oscar becomes upset if forced out of the room of a dying patient, meowing outside the door.

Pet Pictures

Cats are normally associated with being aloof and independent.
Image courtesy Anna Humphreys/stock.xchng
Cats are normally associated with being aloof and independent.
Do they have a sixth sense regarding imminent death?
See more pet pictures.

Oscar's actions appear deliberate. He regularly wanders around the home's unit for patients with advanced dementia. He sniffs and watches a patient before sitting down with her. Oscar then purrs while sitting with the patient and usually leaves soon after she dies.

How does Oscar do it? Is it a "sixth sense," a unique scent he smells or something else? Animal experts have put forth a variety of explanations, though most agree that it likely has to do with a specific smell produced by dying patients. That is, people who are dying emit certain chemicals that aren't detectable by other humans but that may pique Oscar's heightened sense of smell. An expert on felines said that cats can sense sickness in their human and animal friends [Source: BBC News]. Jacqueline Pritchard, a British animal expert, told BBC News that she was certain that Oscar was sensing vital organs shutting down [Source: BBC News].

As for why he keeps vigil next to patients, Oscar may be mimicking the behavior of staff who spend time with dying patients. One animal expert suggested that it may be as simple as Oscar enjoying the comfort of heated blankets placed on dying patients [Source: NPR].

Stories of animals with startling abilities aren't rare. Tales have long existed of dogs detecting various types of cancer with their sense of smell. A study later proved that dogs could sense evidence of bladder cancer by smelling it in urine. Some people who suffer from serious epilepsy use specially trained dogs provided by charities. These dogs warn their owners of impending seizures by licking or some other signal. One woman said that her dog regularly gives her a 40-minute warning, allowing her to get to a safe place so as not to worry about the seizures putting her in danger [Source: BBC News].

The seizure-sensing dogs look for subtle smells and changes in features of their owners (such as dilated pupils). Their training, which takes at least a year, teaches them to warn their owners. While we're used to hearing about dogs learning to help the blind or search out injured people, Oscar's case is more puzzling. Cats, unlike dogs or even elephants, aren't associated with altruistic, empathic behavior. Scientists believe that dogs can sense disease in others because of their evolutionary origin as wolves, who needed to be able to detect when someone in the pack was hurt or sick.

Seven good reasons why kissing is good for health

Dr. Peter Gorden, Dental Advisor at the British Dental Association, explains: "After eating, your mouth is full of sugar solution and acidic saliva, which cause plaque build up. Kissing is nature's own cleaning process," he adds. "It stimulates salivary flow and brings plaque levels down to normal."

Stress Consultant Michelle Kay Mcnabb says, "A passionate kiss is a great relaxation technique, when your mouth is in a kissing position, you're almost smiling and, as our emotions and body language are so closely linked, it's almost impossible to smile and feel tense at the same time," she explains. "Also, your breathing becomes deeper and your eyes close when you kiss - that's what you do when you relax. It's a perfect way to shut out the world."

A long kiss makes the metabolism burn up sugar faster than usual," says Claire Potter, Cosmo's Fitness Consultant, "The calories burned depend on the intensity, but you can rely on10 calories every ten minutes."

"Kissing helps to tone ur cheek and jaw muscles, so they're less likely to sag," adds Claire Potter.

Your heart is pumping, your pulse is racing... "If kissing is exciting, you release adrenaline into the bloodstream and your heart pumps more blood in your body," according to Dr. Susan Hotchkies. "It's a great cardiovascular workout."

Kissing a partner gives you the perfect opportunity to check out his/her pheromones - these are the chemical messengers that signal sexual attraction. "The first kiss is always a good way to work out if there's any chemistry between you, "says Paul Brown, a sexual and marital therapist." In humans, it's thought that smells plays a vital part in subconscious attraction, and if your pheromones aren't 'in tune', you're unlikely to hit off in other areas."
And finally...

There's nothing better than a passionate kiss for a major dose of feel - good factor. "In theory, when u're kissing, you're happy. And when you're happy, you feel good about yourself," says psychotherapist Paul Zeal.

5 Belly-Filling Foods

Silence a growling stomach with these satisfying options, courtesy of Men's Health nutrition advisor Jonny Bowden, Ph.D. Each offers a hunger-fighting dose of protein, along with fiber or fat, to help keep you full for hours after you've eaten.

1. Almonds
Along with 6 grams of protein, a handful (1 ounce) of almonds contains almost 9 grams of healthy mono-unsaturated fat.


2. Oatmeal
You can thank the 4 grams of fiber in a 1-cup serving for this breakfast staple's stick-to-your-ribs quality.


3. Salmon
A 3.5-ounce serving contains 22 grams of protein and is a top source of omega-3 fats.


4. Quinoa
Quinoa cooks up like any grain, but it contains the same type of muscle-building protein found in eggs and meat. For 10 ways to prepare quinoa, go to MensHealth.com/quinoa.


5. Black Beans
All legumes provide a ton of nutrients, but black beans lead the pack with equal amounts of protein and fiber—15 grams in a cup. They're a great addition to almost any salad.


The Downside of Bodybuilding

How Bodybuilding Causes Tendon and Ligament Damage


At almost every fitness seminar, you will hear the phrase "functional training." Presenters will tell you how traditional bodybuilding exercises won’t help our neuro-musculo-skeletal health and how they are leading us to muscular imbalances.

But the fact remains that every individual who walks into a gym wants the very same thing – to change how he or she looks. Very few people join the gym because they feel they need to improve their stability.


End of an Era

Functional training is now apparently the only way to train, apparently leaving bodybuilding in the past. So are these functional advocates telling us that building muscle is bad for us? Surely building muscle is the body’s natural response to hard work, and we replicate hard work in the gym with resistance.

Bodybuilding programme design is based upon one principle: in order to increase the area of our muscles, we perform repeated resisted movements which, in turn, induce fatigue within a certain time. This can be performed for all of the "major" muscle groups in a variety of layouts.

Decreased Function

Most bodybuilders will have been told that using 8-12 repetitions will achieve the best results when wanting to increase size and they will very seldom, if ever, deviate from this repetition range.

Reaching maximum voluntary contraction within this time frame will ensure that the body is heavily dependent on the lactate (anaerobic) energy system for ATP production. However, when you exercise for these short periods you will not promote a proportionate increase in capillary density due to a decreased dependence on oxygen.

“A rapid increase in the volume of a muscle cell, without any increase in the capillary network that supplies the muscle, will lead to an ischaemic environment being created. This will result in diminished nutrient and oxygen supply, which slows down the metabolic processes within the muscle and the disposal of metabolic waste products from the muscle” - (Zalessky & Burkhanov, Legkaya Atlitika, 1981).

So, in short, many bodybuilders will have fewer capillaries per square inch of muscle than even sedentary individuals, let alone other exercisers.

“The decreased oxygen carrying and utilisation abilities of hypertrophied muscles will affect their ability to respond positively to exercise, leading to irreversible structural damage occurring within the muscle.” - (Adapted from "Advanced Training Planning for Bodybuilders: Part 1" by Brian Haycock MS, CSCS from the web site thinkmuscle.com)

Tendon & Ligament Damage

Another detrimental effect of bodybuilding on muscle function is the decreased ability of the connective tissue to repair and strengthen itself in proportion to the muscles. Due to the reduced nutrient and blood supply, ligaments and tendons can take up to seven times longer than muscle tissue to recover from a single bout of exercise.

“Increases in strength, brought about through muscle hypertrophy without proportionate increases in connective tissue strength, will inevitably lead to tendon and ligament damage” - (Zalessky & Burkhanov, Legkaya Atlitika, 1981).

With both of these situations in mind, surely it’s no coincidence that bodybuilders have the highest injury rate – the most common being muscular tears. Be sensible when it comes to weight training and seek professional advice on what suits you best when it comes to a programme.

Foods for Fertility

Eating Healthy Foods to Get Pregnant

Did you know that in a survey of women attending London fertility clinics, a shocking 50% were suffering from vitamin deficiency after having tried to lose weight on nutrient-devoid diets?

Dieting can help people with obesity to lose weight, but dieting means eating a healthy, balanced diet with fresh and raw foods, not simply reducing the number of meals. If the number of meals are cut down, there may not be enough nutrients to sustain a pregnancy.

What Foods Can Boost Fertility?

Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates advised all new brides to eat plenty of fruits and seeds to get pregnant and for her man to avoid alcohol and hot baths. This advice is still valid today.

A diet which is high in fresh, organic fruit, vegetables and grains is the best kind of diet. Here are some fertility superfoods which you should include in your pre-conceptual diet:

  • Citrus fruit - they have a high vitamin C content which has been shown to improve fertility levels
  • Sunflower seeds and nuts for the zinc content
  • Brown rice, oat, pulses and green vegetables for B vitamins. Vitamin B6 is particularly important as it helps to metabolise hormones like estrogen, which could assist you in getting pregnant. B6 is also good for pregnant women as it breaks down hormones that cause morning sickness, so having plenty of vitamin B6 in the diet can prevent or lessen morning sickness
  • Oily fish for omega 3, or if you are a vegetarian, linseed or flaxseeds on your breakfast cereal
  • Drink plenty of water and herb or fruit teas instead of coffee


Foods to Avoid

If you're trying for a baby, there are some fertility killing foods that you should avoid. These are:

  • Alcohol - this inhibits your vitamin absorption and can even make you anaemic
  • Tea, coffee and chocolate - these all contain caffeine which also inhibit your body's ability to absorb vitamins. Too much caffeine has also been linked to miscarriage
  • White bread - this has been stripped of its goodness
  • Sugar - too much sugar can depress your immune system. According to Dr. Sears, consuming just 75g of sugar (present in two cans of soda or a large cake) can alter your immune function. Even table sugar, fructose and honey caused a 50% drop in the white blood cells ability to destroy infection.
  • Avoid highly processed foods such as microwave dinners. They are often very high in salt and low in essential vitamins. The microwaving process also destroys vitamins. If you want something quick, eat raw. Carrot sticks, cauliflower pieces, nuts and fruit are just a few examples of food that can be eaten raw.

You may find that just modifying your diet is enough to kick start your ovulation and start you on the road to motherhood.

Sources: 'Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal', p. 203-204, by Readers Digest, 2004 askdrsears.com.

Assisted Conception is on The Increase

Up to 246,000 Babies Born Each Year Through Assisted Reproduction

The study, conducted between 2000-2002, involved 1563 fertility clinics in 53 different countries. Researchers attempted to get data from Africa, Asia, Oceania and the West Indies, but were unable to get data from these countries. They estimated that between 219,000-246,000 babies were are born each year as a result of assisted reproduction techniques (ART) and that the countries missing from the report accounted for 10-20% of all births.

The report is useful for medical professionals because it can show them which countries are doing better, and by which method, allowing them to develop more successful treatments and more accurately advise clients on the benefits and risks of a treatment.

Professor Jacques de Mouzon, lead author of the study, said

"There has been a constant increase in ART activity: it increased by more than 25% in the two years since the previous report for the year 2000. This is due not only to an increase in the number of countries participating in this report but also to an increase in ART activity in most individual countries."

He also suggested that the reason the absent countries only accounted for a small percentage of births was because the majority of infertile couples had a low income and could not afford IVF procedures. This introduced the question of whether low cost IVF schemes should be introduced.

Impact of IVF on Romantic Relationships

Researchers at the Department Of Psychology at the university of Leuven in Belgium, have found that a couples ability to handle the stresses of assisted conception is dependent on pre-existing behavior patterns in their personality and in the strength of their relationship with each other.

They studied 70 couples who were having IVF and ICSI by conducting a psychological evaluation at the start of the treatment, followed by a second assessment three months later and a third and final assessment six months into the treatment, with the aim of determining their state of mind during the IVF process and their relationship satisfaction.

IVF was thought to put a strain on some marriages, particularly if a couple had been going through the process for a long time, but they discovered that the more embedded a couple were within their relationship and the closer they were, the more they were able to cope with their infertility and treatments. (Fertility And Sterility, Volume 91, Issue 2, Pages 387-394 February 2009).

Failed IVF May Bring You Closer

A similar study in Sweden, involved 45 couples. They were assessed in ten areas of their relationship, firstly after an IVF failure, then six months and 18 months after the event. Coping with the disappointment of an unsuccessful IVF cycle actually strengthened their relationship as they leaned on each other for emotional support. They were able to discuss their feelings with each other and members of their family, with ease, and it strengthened their perception of their role within marriage.

Reducing the Stress in Your Relationship

Feeling in control of your own medical treatment is the key to avoiding unnecessary stress in your marriage. Before you embark upon IVF, read as much as you can about the different options available to you. Go to IVF counseling together. If there are any training sessions, such as those for self-injections, make sure your partner comes with you.

The studies above have shown that how you deal with IVF can be dependent on your personality, so if you've had any problems in your marriage prior to the treatment, you are likely to during treatment. If you have any communication issues, try to iron these out before commencing treatment.

If you've recently been married, wait a little while before starting IVF. Research shows that couples who have been together a few years, support each other more effectively.

Choose a close friend or family member who you can confide in, in addition to your partner so that you are not getting all of your support from one person. Make sure the person you choose, approves of what you are trying to do so you know you will get the help you need.

You could even pick an internet site for other people going through infertility problems and speak to people via that. They will know what you are going through.

Find some time during the week where you don't think or talk about IVF. Have a romantic evening where you go out to dinner or do something fun that both of you enjoy, and make it the same time each week.

Relaxation is important and may even make the difference between IVF failure or success.

New Hormone Treatment for Infertility

A Hormone Therapy Offers Hope to Infertile Couples

The hormone kisspeptin-1 was first discovered in 1999 by doctors in Pennsylvania, Hershey. Hershey has a chocolate company which has been making a chocolate treat called 'Hershey Kisses' since 1907, and it is thought that the doctors who discovered the hormone, named it after the town's famous chocolate delicacy.

Animals and humans who don't produce kisspeptin, fail to enter puberty. There is some speculation among the scientific community that a lack of kisspeptin may also cause a woman's periods to stop, although as yet there is no concrete evidence for this.

The Study

A group of ten infertile women were split into two groups. Five were injected with kisspeptin-1 and the other five were injected with a saline solution. Then they had blood samples taken to measure the levels of luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), two hormones needed for ovulation and necessary for reproduction to take place.

Those women who had the kisspeptin-1 injections had a 48% increase in LH and a 16% increase in FSH, compared with the women who were just given saline.

A larger study would be needed to confirm the results.

Less Risky Than IVF?

Treatment with kisspeptin-1 hormone injections is already being coined as less risky than IVF. You don't need to inject yourself with drugs that could make you hyper-stimulate. In 1% of cases, a woman will produce so many eggs due to the stimulating drugs, that she will be hospitalized and at risk of organ failure. You don't need to inject yourself with what are essentially chemotherapy drugs in order to shut down your ovulation, there is no need to be put to sleep for egg retrieval or given any of the powerful sedatives if you choose to stay awake.

No injection or medical treatment is ever 100% risk free, but having hormone injections prior to getting pregnant, seems to be less complicated and risky than an often long and drawn out IVF process.

A Doorway to Treatments for Other Disorders?

Even more recently, researchers at Monash University in Malaysia have discovered the kisspeptin-2 hormone (KISS-2), named after the first kisspeptin because the two are almost identical. They are hoping that they will be able to use this hormone to treat a number of reproductive diseases and even mood and depression problems, if they are caused by hormonal imbalance.

Dr. Ishwar Parhar, head of the Brain Research Institute at Monash University, where KISS-2 was discovered, said

"This is the first report on the discovery of Kiss-2, which could lead towards the development of therapeutic medicines for reproduction-related diseases, including mood disorders and onset of puberty. Kisspeptin is needed for the G-protein coupled receptor 54 (GPR54) to function. Mutation of the gene leads to infertility."

The next generation of adults may not have to undergo the same complexities currently experienced by infertile couples, if they too are shown to have fertility problems.

Antioxidants Improve Male Fertility

Those men who ate more fruit and vegetables had better quality sperm with improved sperm count and better mobility and

What is an Antioxidant?

Oxidation happens when oxygen meets with another substance and causes it to lose electrons. The most obvious example is with an apple. If you cut an apple and leave it out to air for a couple of minutes, it turns brown. This is because the oxygen meets with the flesh of the apple and causes it to lose electrons. The same thing happens inside the human body and when you eat junk food, oxidation occurs. A by-product of this is called a free radical.

Free radicals are incomplete molecules that have lost an electron. They then try to steal an electron from nearby cells to make up for this loss and end up damaging the cells. If you were a car, this would cause rusting. In a person, it is called aging. Eating nutritionally deficient food which does not have many antioxidants, causes this aging process to happen quicker as well as contributing to health problems such as infertility and cancer.

Antioxidants are nutrients which can slow this process down or even repair damaged DNA. Some of these are vitamin C and E, beta-carotine (vitamin A), selenium and folic acid for the immune system.

By eating lots of fresh foods rich in these nutrients, you are giving your body plenty of antioxidants to fight damage. Examples include oranges, raw carrots, strawberries, raspberries and even some fortified breakfast cereals and grains.

Antioxidants in Action

To see how antioxidants work in your body, try dipping a piece of freshly chopped apple in a glass of orange juice and you will find that it stays white instead of turning brown.

If you aren't having enough fruit and vegetables and juices from them, then you are giving free radicals the opportunity to permanently damage your DNA and affect your sperm quality.

The Research

61 men were studied. Of these, 30 had fertility problems and 31 were reproductively normal. The men who were fertile, ate more fruit, vegetables, grains, folic acid and fibre than the men who had fertility problems. By contrast, those with poor seminal quality had a higher intake of protein and fats, including full fat dairy products and meat.

Dr. Jaime Mendiola, lead researcher from the University of Murcia, said "A healthy diet is not only a good way of avoiding illness, but could also have an impact on improving seminal quality."

Source: Jaime Mendiola, Alberto M. Torres-Cantero, Jesús Vioque, José M. Moreno-Grau, Jorge Ten, Manuela Roca, Stella Moreno-Grau, y Rafael Bernabeu. "A low intake of antioxidant nutrients is associated with poor semen quality in patients attending fertility clinics". Fertility and Sterility 2009, published on line, May 2009.

How To Effectively Lose Weight Through Visualization

Can you actually believe the fact that through visualization we can improve even our weight loss? Well, this is how it works: you keep a steady vision on your mind of how you want your body to look, and subconsciously you will begin acting and thinking in a way that will go in that direction. You become aware and much more positive about your body, more accepting of your diet or fitness regime, and you will reach your weight goals more quickly and easily simply because through visualization all you need will be attracted to you.

Visualizations mixed with emotion create the ability to bring the body that you really want. The energy put in the emotion will work to pull you toward the weight and body fixed in your mind. If you want something to happen, you will have to have your own control, you need to hold onto your own energy.

Visualization helps us to truly want to lose weight by creating a clear and happy picture of our fitter bodies. Without this we can often put psychological traps in our own path.

Many people who are overweight believe they cannot lose weight. Sometimes you may say it out loud, or hear friends say it about themselves. For other people this belief stays in the subconscious. But it is sure that it influences our behavior. Someone who believes it is impossible for her to lose weight will be constantly battling her own negativity when she is trying to diet. Her mind will be constantly telling her there is no point dieting, she cannot lose weight so she should just go ahead and eat everything she wants. Visualization is the strongest technique that we can use to overcome these negative thoughts and impulses.

If you are plagued by negativity either from your own mind or from the reactions of friends and family to your diet, go ahead and visualize yourself at your desired weight as often as you can. It works on the same level as all those negative voices and can annihilate their influence like nothing else can.

It is important to practice every day - morning and evening if you can. You just need to take a few minutes in a quiet place and keep an image in your mind of your body at its ideal weight. Some people can do this easily, others need some help. If you have a photograph of yourself at your ideal weight in the past, you may find it easier to look at that. Or use a photo from a magazine but cut off the person's face. You need to visualize your own body, but thinner.

You can also visualize from the inside. Close your eyes and let your awareness focus on a part of your body - for example, your right thigh. Imagine it slowly becoming thinner in your mind's eye. Then move to the other thigh, and on through the body. It may help to start at the feet and move up towards the head, or vice versa.

As you go about your work or daily chores, think of yourself as already at your ideal weight. Create your own affirmations and repeat them often, always in the present tense ("I am glad to be flexible, fit and slim", not "I will ..."). Enjoy the feeling of having a positive self-image. Over time, this will help you to keep to your weight loss plan. You will find that fatty foods are less attractive and exercise is more enjoyable.

While your weight loss will of course be gradual, the wonderful thing about visualization is that it gives you a new body image right away. Use visualization and weight loss to make you happier right now, today!
