Best & Worst Foods for Your Sex Drive

Simple changes in your diet will go a long way.

It's no secret that the unhealthy American diet is contributing to an epidemic of obesity. But there's another hidden epidemic that our fatty diets are at the root of: a national sex crisis.

In 1996, the average American had sex 138 times a year. Compare that to 2007, when people reported having sex just 85 times a year. That's a staggering 38 percent decrease in a little more than a decade. Furthermore, psychologists estimate that as many as 1 in 5 couples are in a sexless marriage, which means sex less than 10 times a year. In other words, our sex drive is in a deep dive.

One of the big culprits, for both men and women, is obesity. As a person's weight soars, their libido plummets due to biochemical changes that result in diminished bloodflow—there's simply no sex without strong blood flow. And even when Americans do manage to have sex, the extra weight they're bringing to the bedroom also hinders their ability to have children—with men, it's damaged sperm; with women, it's ovulation problems.

The good news: With some simple changes to your diet, courtesy of Eat This, Not That!, you can revitalize your sex life and reinvigorate your relationship. How? First, as you consume filling foods with fewer calories, you'll begin to shed the weight that's dragging down your desire. Then, because these foods also contain ingredients and nutrients that strategically boost sexual attraction and performance, you'll squeeze even more satisfaction out of each and every sexual encounter.

And for thousands more tips like these, order the latest, most up-to-date version of the best-selling weight-loss series: Eat This, Not That! The Best (& Worst!) Foods in America!

For the hormone rush

Eat This: Dark chocolate

Per 1 oz:

  • 162 calories
  • 11 g fat (6 g saturated)
  • 10 g sugars

Chocolate is full of anandamide and phenylethylamine, two compounds that cause the body to release the same feel-good endorphins triggered by sex and physical exertion. Cocoa also contains methylxanthines, which make skin sensitive to every erotic touch. A team of U.S. and Canadian researchers found that chocolate stimulates the same brain centers that respond to cocaine, but that eating too much can eliminate the effect. Aim for dark chocolate, which packs more cocoa than lighter milk chocolates, and keep portions small.

Not That: White Chocolate

White chocolate isn’t technically chocolate, since it doesn’t contain any actual cocoa—which means no heightened skin sensitivity, or rush of feel-good hormone serotonin.

Check out our slideshow of the 30 Worst Foods in America.

For energy

Eat This: 6-oz. sirloin steak

  • 414 calories
  • 24 g fat (10 g saturated)
  • 46 g protein

Protein has been shown to naturally boost levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, two chemicals in the brain that heighten sensitivity during sex. Your steak is also packed with zinc—a mineral that boosts libido by reducing production of a hormone called prolactin, which may interfere with arousal.

Not That: An energy drink

While the caffeine and sky-high sugar content will initially leave you bursting with energy, you’re setting yourself up for a major crash not far down the line. Additionally, Canadian scientists found that maintaining a diet high in sugar can temporarily lower your testosterone levels, which in turn can sap your sex drive—whether you’re a man or a woman. See, the more testosterone you have, the higher your arousal levels. That means greater lubrication for women, stronger erections for men. Too much sugar sends your T into hibernation—and your libido will go with it.

For excitement

Eat This: Chilies

Per 1 pepper

  • 18 calories
  • 0 g fat
  • 1 g fiber

Pop a caliente chili pepper in your mouth to keep things hot: They contain capsaicin, a chemical compound that causes your heart to race and your skin to flush—a sure sign that blood flow is on the fast track. They dilate blood vessels and help all of that blood get where it's needed.

Not That: Non-fat popcorn

The carbohydrates in popcorn will release serotonin, which, while it makes you feel good, also makes you feel sleepy. You want to experience a rush of endorphins, not drowsiness.

For power

Eat This: Vanilla ice cream

Per half cup:

  • 137 calories
  • 7 g fat (4 g saturated)
  • 14 g sugars
  • 2 g protein

Ice cream has high levels of calcium and phosphorus, two minerals that build your muscles’ energy reserves and may help boost your libido. All that calcium—200 milligrams in the typical bowl—can also make you more sexually charged, since the muscles that control sexual response need calcium in order to contract properly.

Not That: Tomatoes

They’re great for you in other ways, but tomatoes’ lycopene and phytofluene can decrease testosterone levels. The effect isn’t dramatic, but you may be better off skipping the marinara sauce if you want to get saucy.

For performance

Eat This: Blueberries

Per 1/2 cup of berries:

  • 40 calories
  • 10 g carbs
  • 7 g sugars

Forget Viagra. Mother Nature's original blue potency capsules may do even more for you. Blueberries are high in soluble fiber, which helps remove excess cholesterol from the blood before it gets absorbed and deposited on artery walls. Blueberries also relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. What that means, of course, is that more blood enters the penis to produce stronger erections. For maximum potency and performance, eat a serving of blueberries at least three or four times a week.

Not That: Soda

Soda pop will sap your sex drive. Too much sugar will lead to spikes and crashes in your blood glucose, ultimately sapping your testosterone levels (and your sex drive).

For a sexy mindset

Eat This: Oysters

Per 6 medium oysters:

  • 50 calories
  • 1 g fat (0 g saturated)
  • 150 mg sodium
  • 4 g protein

These slippery shellfish have been shucked in the name of love for centuries, but it wasn’t until 2005 that a team of researchers identified two amino acids in shellfish that had been linked in another study to increased sexual hormone release in rats. If that’s not a tenuous enough link to love, consider that oysters are also high in zinc, which regulates some sexual hormones and boost semen production. Critics question just how potent the shellfish really are, but the history of shellfish as a heralded aphrodisiac could contribute to a small psychosomatic boost.

Not That:

Phallic foods

Suggestive staples—bananas, avocados, strawberries—can prompt provocative thoughts, but so far no scientific research has shown them to offer any physical benefits.

For relaxation

Drink This: A glass of wine

Per 5 fl. ounces:

  • 125 calories
  • 0 g fat
  • 1 g sugar

It’s true: A glass of wine really does take the edge off. University of Toronto researchers discovered that one alcoholic drink caused people’s blood vessels to relax. Booze acts as a depressant in the brain’s cerebral cortex, lowering inhibitions that could otherwise restrain arousal.

Not That: A bottle of wine

The University of Toronto researchers who found out about wine’s relaxation effects also found that drinking two glasses of alcohol began to reverse the effects. And research from the University of Washington found that intoxicated men with blood alcohol levels of 0.08 to 0.1 percent (about two or three drinks) had lower “peak erection levels.”

Nails: How to keep your fingernails healthy and strong

Your nails may be small but they play an important role, serving to help protect your fingers and improve dexterity. They may also reveal clues to your general health.

Take a close look at your nails. Are they strong and healthy looking? Or do you see ridges, dents or areas of unusual color or shape? Many less than desirable nail conditions can be avoided through proper care, but some actually indicate an illness that requires attention.

Anatomy of a healthy fingernail

Image of fingernail
This illustration shows components of a healthy fingernail.

Your nails are composed of laminated layers of a protein called keratin, which is also found in your hair and skin. Each nail comprises several parts, including the:

  • Nail plate. The nail plate is the part of your nail that's most visible — the hard portion you see when you look at your fingernail.
  • Nail folds. This is skin that frames each of your nail plates on three sides.
  • Nail bed. Your nail bed is the skin beneath the nail plate. Cells at the base of your nail bed produce the fingernail or toenail plate and are responsible for holding on to the nail plate.
  • Cuticle. Your cuticle is the tissue that overlaps your nail plate at the base of your nail. It protects the new keratin cells that slowly emerge from the nail bed.
  • Lunula. The lunula is the whitish, half-moon shape at the base of your nail underneath the plate.

Your nails grow from the area under your cuticle (matrix), located at the base of the nail. As new cells grow, older cells become hard and compacted and are eventually pushed out toward your fingertips. Nails grow about 0.1 millimeter a day, which means that it takes a fingernail about four to six months to fully regenerate. Toenails may grow at a slightly slower rate. Healthy nails are smooth, without ridges or grooves. They're uniform in color and consistency and free of spots or discoloration.

Common nail conditions: Reading the signs

Some nail conditions are harmless. These include vertical ridges, which may become more pronounced as you age, and white lines or spots. Spots usually result from injury to the nail plate or nail bed. In time the white spots will grow out.

Other nail conditions can indicate disease. For example, yellow discoloration in your nails may result from a respiratory condition, such as chronic bronchitis, or from swelling of your hands (lymphedema) or from yeast or bacterial infection beneath the nail. If your nail pulls away from the nail bed, it could indicate psoriasis or intolerance to certain medications. Indentations that run across your nails, called Beau's lines, appear when growth at the area under your cuticle is interrupted. This might occur because of an injury or severe illness.

If you have a nail problem that persists or is associated with other signs and symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor to get it checked out. The doctor's visit typically includes an examination of your nails along with other observations and tests to make a diagnosis.

Nail care tips

No nail care product alone can give you healthy nails. But following these simple guidelines can help you keep your nails looking their best:

  • Don't abuse your nails. To prevent nail damage, don't use your fingernails as tools to pick, poke or pry things.
  • Don't bite your nails or pick at your cuticles. These habits can damage the nail bed. Even a minor cut alongside your nail can allow bacteria or fungi to enter and cause an infection (paronychia). Because your nails grow slowly, an injured nail retains signs of an injury for several months.
  • Protect your nails. Wear cotton-lined rubber gloves when using soap and water for prolonged periods or when using harsh chemicals.
  • Perform routine nail maintenance. Trim fingernails and clean under the nails regularly. Use a sharp manicure scissors or clippers and an emery board to smooth nail edges. Never pull off hangnails — doing so almost always results in ripping living tissue. Instead clip hangnails off, leaving a slight angle outward.
  • Moisturize your nails frequently. Nails need moisture just like your skin does. Rub lotion into your nails when moisturizing your hands. Be sure to apply a moisturizer after removing fingernail polish.

Special considerations: Manicures and weak nails

If you rely on manicures to make your nails look good, keep a few things in mind. Don't have your cuticles removed — it can lead to nail infection. Also, check to be sure that your nail technician properly sterilizes all tools used during your manicure. Using unsterilized tools may transmit viral infections, such as hepatitis B or warts.

Weak or brittle fingernails can be a challenge to toughen up. The following tips can help you protect them, making your nails less likely to split or break.

  • Keep your nails short, square shaped and slightly rounded on top. Trim brittle nails after a bath or a 15-minute hand soak in bath oil. Then apply a moisturizer.
  • Moisturize your nails and cuticles at bedtime and cover them with cotton gloves.
  • Apply a nail hardener, but avoid products containing toluene sulfonamide or formaldehyde. These chemicals can cause redness or irritate the skin.
  • Don't use nail polish remover more than twice a month. Instead, touch up the polish. When you do need a remover, avoid those that use acetone, which dries nails.
  • Repair splits or tears with nail glue or clear polish.

Dietary changes that supposedly strengthen nails don't work. Unless you're deficient in protein — rare among people in the United States — adding protein or calcium to your diet won't strengthen your nails. Similarly, soaking your nails in gelatin won't help either.

It's easy to neglect your nails. But a little basic nail care can go a long way to keeping your nails in healthy condition.

Men Better at Seeing Objects in Distance, Study Finds

Men's hunter-gatherer past has made them better at seeing objects in the distance, while women see better close up, a British study finds.

The study traced how men's and women's brains evolved differently over thousands of years, Agence France-Press reported.

Researchers asked a group of 48 men and women to use a laser pointer to mark the midpoint of lines on a piece of paper at different distances.

Men were more accurate than women when the paper was placed about 3.3 feet away, while women were more accurate when the target was within arm's reach, about 1.6 feet away.

"Evidence already exists that separate pathways in the brain process visual information from near and far space,'' said psychologist Helen Stancey from Hammersmith and West London College.

"Our results suggest that the near pathway is favored in women and the far pathway is favoured in men,'' she said, in a study published online in the British Journal of Psychology.


Stress-Killing Exercises

Regular gym goers are typically working out for one of two reasons: either to improve their physical appearance or boost their fitness and health level. Another important thing that regular gym sessions can accomplish that shouldn’t be overlooked is decreased stress levels.

If you suffer from stress on a regular basis, this can lead to decreased energy levels, lower work performance and even chronic illnesses such as heart disease.

By incorporating some stress-killing exercises into your workouts on a regular basis, you can reduce the negative impacts it has on the body and progress faster since your recovery rate will be higher.

All of the following exercises will either cause an endorphin release in the body, which helps to eliminate stress, or put the mind in a more relaxed state, reducing the tension you feel.

1. Kickboxing or Boxing

Kickboxing classes are rapidly growing in popularity, and not only is this a great exercise to get in shape quickly, but it will only take minutes before the endorphin release kicks in. There are a variety of different styles including traditional kickboxing, jujitsu, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, kung fu, Judo, and Karate, so try a few classes to learn what you prefer. This type of exercise will also be good for boosting your flexibility and quickness, so if these are fitness components you want to work on, it will be a perfect fit.

2. High-Intensity Sprint Training

Sprint training is another way to get endorphins circulating throughout the body very quickly. As you couple very high-intensity paced running with a light-walk period, you’ll increase the heart rate, blood flow, oxygen uptake, and decrease any stress you might be feeling. Many individuals also find the higher-paced nature of this type of cardio great for blowing off anger as well. So if anger’s what's at the heart of your stress, this should be the form of exercise you choose.

For best results, your high-intensity sessions should be performed for 15 to 20 minutes with intervals lasting between 30 and 60 seconds. Try to schedule these either at another time in the day from your lifting sessions or on a day you aren’t lifting at all.

3. Deep Breathing

Yoga is the traditional stress-killing exercise, but if this is a form of exercise you’re not all that interested in, the simple act of practicing deep breathing on a regular basis can prove to be beneficial.

This will work best if you find someplace quiet to sit and concentrate on your lungs expanding upward and outward as they fill with air. By turning your focus inward you reduce the focus on whatever is stressing you, placing you in a much calmer state.

You should try to devote 10 minutes to deep breathing a few times a week to clear your mind. Also consider setting up some type of reminder at your desk to go off throughout the day so you take a few moments to take a few deep breaths and relax while you're at work as well. Often, stress will build up without you even realizing it and will cause tension-related headaches or back and neck pain.

4. Long-Distance Running

Opposing high-intensity sprints is long-distance running. This is used by many to kill stress since it allows you to get away and exercise out your thoughts as well as your body. Those training for marathons for example often say that this is the one thing they enjoy most about their long runs — it gives them a chance to think and clear their minds. The endorphin release with long-distance running typically does take longer to kick in, but when it does it will feel as though you’re on a natural high, almost euphoric-like.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you couple long-distance running with heavy weight-training, your weight performance may suffer, so be sure you weigh the pros and cons of the stress relief versus the performance decline.

5. Exercise You Enjoy

Finally, it should also be said that one of the best exercises for stress relief is the one that you enjoy the most. If you aren’t looking forward to your workout sessions each day you visit the gym, that’s going to cause even more stress in itself.

By selecting a workout program that you truly enjoy doing, you’ll feel natural stress-killing benefits and will also be more consistent.

Even if it’s just a recreational activity that you do once in a while such as golf, fishing or cross-country skiing, making the time in your schedule will release tension and go a long way toward helping you relax.

So start making stress relief one of the priorities of your workout. When you couple this with good eating and aim to only take on responsibilities you truly can handle, your health and overall sense of wellness will improve dramatically.


Menstrual Migraines: A Pain in the Head - Period

Mix throbbing, pulsating pain on one side of the head with nausea and sensitivity to light plus a monthly change in hormones, and many women end up with a recipe for a menstrual migraine.

Of the nearly 30 million people in the U.S. who experience migraine headaches, three out of four are women.

"There are a lot of reasons why women are more affected," said Dr. Brian Grosberg, assistant professor of neurology and director of Inpatient Headache Program at Montefiore Headache Center in New York City. "While the exact reason is unknown, hormonal changes do play into it."

There are two types of menstrual migraines: the pure menstrual migraine and the menstrual-related migraine.

A pure menstrual migraine is defined as a headache that occurs solely around a woman’s menstrual cycle – usually cropping up two days before menstruation and three days after the cycle has started, Grosberg said. These types of headaches affect a small percentage of women: about 14 percent.

When it comes to menstrual-related migraines, these patients not only experience debilitating headaches around their cycle, but at other times of the month as well.

"Menstrual-related migraines are a highly prevalent condition affecting more than 50 percent of female migraine patients," Grosberg told "This number represents 12 million women annually."

What’s worse is that women say these types of headaches are longer lasting, are often the worst attacks of the month, and can be the most difficult to treat.

"One of the thoughts of why this occurs is its timing in relation to the menstrual cycle, and they are triggered by falling estrogen levels right before menstruation," he said.

Ninety-percent of Grosberg's patients are women, and he uses both medication and non-medication approaches when treating their menstrual migraines.

11 Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches

"Every single patient keeps a headache diary," he said. "I want to know the frequency of the headaches… whether they are mild, moderate or severe… and I also want my patients to keep track of their menstrual cycle as well as length of their menses and time in between their menses."

All of this information is essential in finding the right treatment.

"For example, some women report they may get migraines only two out of every three cycles," Grosberg said. "So for women who experience headaches around their menses — and knowing this is predictable — we may end up using preemptive treatment."

Grosberg will start treatment two to three days before the expected menstrual headaches and then vary it several days into the period until the women’s menstrual cycle is over. He uses both non-steroidal inflammatory medications such as Aleve (naproxen sodium) as well as migraine-specific medications known as triptians.

"And in some instances hormonal manipulation may be helpful because a migraine is often induced by falling estrogen levels prior to menses," Grosberg said. “Boosting estrogen levels in small doses starting five days before menses may decrease or prevent severity of the attacks."

Getting back to the "headache diary," Grosberg said another big advantage of patients keeping track of their headaches is that they are able to identify triggers.

RELATED: Common Headache Triggers

Some people have predictable triggers, while other times it’s a culmination of multiple triggers, including:

— Lack of sleep or in rare instances, too much sleep;

— Missing or delaying a meal;

— Changes in weather, especially hot or cold weather, or changes in the barometric pressure;

— Certain types of food and drinks, such as caffeine, wine, artificial sweeteners, hot dogs and deli meats (which contain nitrates), some cheeses, nuts and sauces.

Whatever the reason is, Grosberg recommended that patients see a neurologist or headache specialist.

"No two people have the same kind of migraine attacks," he said. “It’s not a cookie cutter approach. Each person requires a different treatment plan.",2933,534383,00.html

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a normal part of getting older. It is not normal for a man to lose erectile function completely as a result of aging. Generally, other factors may be involved. These may include vascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and personal habits such as cigarette smoking. Impotence is not just the problem of the man with ED. Both partners can suffer if impotence goes untreated. Failure to communicate and denial of the problem can lead to depression, anxiety, and lack of self-esteem for both partners.

Diabetes. Many men with diabetes do not have sexual problems, but this is one of the few illnesses that can cause impotence. In most cases medical treatment can help.

Depression. In some men, depression can accompany the condition of erectile dysfunction (ED). It is common for men with ED to feel angry, frustrated, sad, or unsure of themselves. Men may feel less “manly” because of ED. Such feelings may lead to a lack of self-esteem and eventually to depression.
Treating depression in men with ED
Treatment for depression may include antidepressant medications, psychotherapy (talk therapy), or a combination of both.
Depression that accompanies ED is treatable. The first step in addressing your concerns about ED-related depression is to be honest with yourself, your partner, and your doctor. After depression has been brought out into the open, coping with it will be easier and less stressful.

Heart disease. Narrowing and hardening of the arteries known as atherosclerosis can change blood vessels so that blood does not flow freely. This can lead to trouble with erections in men, as can high blood pressure (hypertension). Some people who have had a heart attack are afraid that having sex will cause another attack. The chance of this is very low. Mostpeople can start having sex again 3 to 6 weeks after their condition becomes stable following an attack, if their doctor agrees. Always follow your doctor’s advice.

Medications. Some drugs can cause sexual problems. These include some blood pressure medicines, antihistamines, antidepressants, tranquilizers, appetite suppressants, diabetes drugs, and some ulcer drugs like ranitidine. Some can lead to impotence or make it hard for men to ejaculate. Some drugs can reduce a woman’s sexual desire. Check with your doctor. She or he can often prescribe a different drug without this side effect.

Alcohol. Too much alcohol can cause erection problems in men and delay orgasm in women.

If impotence is the problem, it can often be managed and perhaps even reversed. There is a pill that can help. It is called sildenafil (Viagra) and should not be taken by men taking medicines containing nitrates, such as nitroglycerin. This pill does have possible side effects. Other available treatments include vacuum devices, self-injection of a drug (either papaverine or prostaglandin E1), or penile implants.

There is a lot you can do to continue an active sex life. Follow a healthy lifestyle—exercise, eat good food, drink plenty of fluids like water or juices, don’t smoke, and avoid alcohol. Try to reduce the stress in your life. See your doctor regularly. And keep a positive outlook on life.

Sperm Health

“If you have no sperm, you’re not going to be able to conceive,” The fear can be an analogous to the albatross hanging around the neck of the person who is amidst quite a few dilemmas regarding the sperm and its quality. According to a research, one should have a minimum of 5 million sperm counts.

What are the similarities between tight underwear, alcohol and hot tubs? They all have a negative effect on sperm counts and sperm potency. Drinking, Smoking, lack of exercise, taking drugs, stress, poor nutrition, and of course tight under wears have been proved to decline the quality of sperm count.

Among the factors that may affect the sperm quality could be summarized in 6 main points. They include sperm mobility, concentration, morphology, speed, count and last but not the least sub fertility. A weakness in any of these areas can affect the chances of conception.

Sperm mobility describes the sperm’s ability to move in a rather dynamic and active fashion. In a healthy sperm, more than 50% of them can be accounted as active with over 25% of them moving vehemently in one direction. Its importance can be understood by the fact that it enables the sperm to travel through the cervical canal, into the uterus and the fallopian tubes and, finally penetrates the egg.

Concentration is the measure of the number of sperm cells in a ml. of semen. Normal concentration is around 22 million sperm cells per ml. of semen.

A healthy sperm cell resembles a tadpole in its shape. The sperm’s oval head contains the genetic material; the center provides energy and the tail thrusts the sperm forward. Furthermore, experts believe that abnormally shaped sperm cannot fertilize an egg.

According to the WHO, in a healthy male, greater than 25% of sperm will exhibit progressive mobility. It is thought that these are the sperm with the best chance of successfully fertilizing an egg.

It refers to the number of sperms in the fluid that is ejaculated. There are a good over 50 million sperms in a normal ejaculation. A total count below 40 million may indicate decreased fertility.

Sub fertility
Sub fertility, refers to the couples who are unable to achieve conception even after a year’s period of unprotected intercourse. It is different from infertility.

Causes of male sub fertility

• Sperm production problems
• Blockages in the sperm’s delivery system
• Injuries to the testicles
• Low or high hormone production
• Anatomical problems
• Varicocele (varicose veins around the testicle)
• Past illnesses/ infections/ various diseases
• Certain medications
• Sperm quality


# Male factors accumulate for over 40 percent for sub fertility. Female-related factors account for another 40 percent and a combination of male- and female-related factors account for about 20 percent.

# 1 out of every dozen couples has sub fertility.

No More Smelly Feet: How to Keep Your Toes Looking Sexy

"Smelly feet, smelly feet, what are they feeding you?"

Take a good look at your feet, especially your toenails. Are they brittle and/or thickened, discolored? Are they foul-smelling? If the answer is yes, there's a chance you might have a fungal infection in your foot.

Fungus breeds in hot, moist areas — and with sandal season in full swing, it's time to talk about the prevention and treatment of foot and toenail fungus.

“Fungus is an opportunistic organism — it’s all over the place in the summer,” Dr. Suzanne Levine, a board-certified podiatric surgeon based in New York City told “It’s there when we are playing sports, in the showers, on the beaches, especially if we are perspiring. It loves moisture.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of a foot fungal infection include:

— Thickened toenails

— Brittle, crumbly toenails

— Discolored toenails

— Itchy, scratchy skin

— Blistering skin

— Toe pain and/or a slightly foul odor

Fungal infections can begin in the nail or the skin, Levine said, and then spread. If it starts in the nail, it can stem from an infection or trauma, and lead to a more dangerous condition, such as cellulitis.

Also, fungal infections can be easily spread among family members, she said.

Levine offered these tips to avoiding fungal infections and achieving sandal-ready feet:

1. Never walk barefoot in a locker room, steam room or public shower;

2. If you are going for a pedicure, make sure the whirlpool tub is thoroughly cleaned with bleach and the tools are disinfected;

3. Consider bringing your own bleach and tools to the salon;

4. If you constantly wear nail polish, give your toenails a break and let them breathe for a week;

5. Use a moisturizing agent around your toenail cuticles, but avoid cutting the cuticles;

6. Treat yourself to a foot facial, or microdermabrasion, which will rid the skin of fissures, cracks and/or dry heels; but it should be done with under the supervision of a health care provider.

If you already have a fungal infection, Levine said it is imperative to treat the condition aggressively.

“There are all kinds of products on the market,” she said. “Start with a topical agent like urea cream, but you might want to see a doctor if those don’t work because you may need oral medication, in which case blood tests will be needed to monitor your liver enzymes.”

Follow these guidelines and soon you'll be humming "Sexy feet, sexy feet . . ."


Breastfeeding and Diet

Breastfeeding - A Healthy Diet Is Very Important

It is important that your diet replaces the nutrients that are used up during breastfeeding, such as protein, calcium, iron and vitamins. There is no evidence that certain foods upset the baby or give them diarrhoea or colic. Limit your intake of alcohol to one to two glasses per day.

Preventing rapid weight loss
Breastfeeding burns up a lot of energy (kilojoules). Some of the energy will come from the fat you laid down in pregnancy. However, some women will need to eat extra snacks to prevent rapid weight loss. Use your weight and appetite to work out your energy needs.

What snacks to choose
Ideal snacks for helping to prevent rapid weight loss include:

  • Sandwiches
  • Milk drinks
  • Cereal with milk
  • Fruit
  • Yoghurt.

    If you are having trouble getting back in shape
    Although breastfeeding uses up a lot of energy, some women have a problem with extra weight. Tips for losing weight include:

  • Grill, steam, bake or casserole lean meat, fish and poultry
  • Use butter and margarine sparingly
  • Avoid high fat foods such as chips, rich desserts or greasy takeaways
  • Limit your intake of sugary foods such as soft drinks, cakes and lollies
  • Exercise - for example, push the pram around the block. Build up to between 30 and 40 minutes three to four times per week.

    Don't go on a strict diet
    Strict diets and skipping meals are not recommended because you could miss out on vital nutrients.

    Meeting your daily nutrient requirements
    Protein Breast milk contains a lot of protein. So, you will need to include extra protein in your diet, from foods such as:

  • Meat, fish and chicken
  • Eggs
  • Cheese and yoghurt
  • Nuts and legumes, for example, lentils, baked beans and split peas.

    Calcium Calcium is another major ingredient in breast milk. You will need extra calcium from:

  • Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. These are the best source of calcium.
  • Soymilk fortified with calcium - look for a brand which includes around 120mg calcium per 100mls soymilk.

    If your diet does not contain plenty of calcium, your body will use calcium from your bones to meet your increased needs. This weakens your bones and increases the risk that you will develop osteoporosis later in life.

    Iron Pregnancy uses up your iron stores. During breastfeeding, you need to rebuild your iron stores with iron rich foods:

  • Liver, red meat, chicken and fish are the richest sources of iron
  • Legumes - for example, baked beans
  • Nuts and dried fruit
  • Wholegrain bread and cereals
  • Green leafy vegetables.

    Folate and vitamins Breastfeeding also increases your need for:

  • Folate - for example, leafy green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage and brussels sprouts.
  • Vitamin C - for example, citrus fruits, berries, tropical fruit, tomatoes, capsicum and potatoes.
  • Vitamin A - for example, dark green and yellow vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and pumpkin.

    Vegetarian mothers
    A vegetarian diet can meet the nutritional needs of a breastfeeding mother as long as it includes a variety of foods, including:

  • Legumes
  • Eggs, milk, cheese and yoghurt
  • Wholegrain breads and cereals
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables.

    Check with your dietitian to make sure your diet contains the right amount of kilojoules and nutrients.

    Where to get help

  • Your doctor
  • Maternal and Child Health centre
  • Lactation consultant

    Things to remember

  • It's important to eat a diet rich in protein, iron, calcium and vitamins while you are breastfeeding.
  • If you want to lose weight, do it gradually. Don't go on a 'crash' diet.
  • Pregnancy Problems: Infertility, Reproductive Assistance Explained

    Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy after one year of unprotected intercourse. It’s a myth that if you try hard enough, pregnancy is guaranteed. Infertility is a medical condition.

    One in seven couples experience infertility. Though it’s often assumed that infertility is largely a female problem, the reality is quite different. About one-third of infertility cases are due to problems in the male partner, another third of the cases are due to the female partner, and the remaining third of infertility cases are unexplained.

    Male problems include conditions in which no sperm or too little sperm is produced. Conditions that affect women include ovulation disorders, blocked fallopian tubes (usually due to inflammation from infection or endometriosis), and anatomical deformities of the pelvic organ. While some people will insist that stress causes infertility, it is certainly true that infertility causes stress.

    A diagnosis of infertility is made first by taking a thorough history and doing a physical examination, which are then followed by running a series of tests. For women, these include a laboratory test of hormone levels, ovulation charts, X-rays of the fallopian tubes and uterus, and a laparoscopy, in which a scope looks inside the body and provides a visual of the pelvic organs.

    Men usually have a sperm analysis. Eighty percent of the treatments for infertility fall into two categories—either medicinal or surgical. Several medicines are available that can improve ovulation, while surgical techniques can remove a blockage from the tubes and ovaries.

    More aggressive treatments include artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. With artificial insemination, ovulation is regulated with medications, and a health-care provider then artificially deposits semen in the vagina. For some patients, including same-sex partners, this is a very effective technique.

    In vitro fertilization is recommended for couples who want to conceive but are affected by a total blockage of the fallopian tubes or a very low sperm count. This technique surgically removes eggs from the ovary of the female and mixes an egg with sperm outside the body in a laboratory. Once a new embryo is formed, it is placed back inside the uterus. This technique has proven to be quite successful for couples who would otherwise not have been able to conceive on their own.

    Twins and More!

    If one is good, is two better? How about three? Or four? Or more? Of course, it’s not exactly a matter of choice. Or is it?

    The number of multiple births in the United States has increased dramatically over the past two decades. The number of twin births has increased by nearly 75 percent, making up 95 percent of the multiple births in this country, while the number of births involving three or more babies has gone up fivefold.

    Two factors are responsible for this increase in multiple births. More women are waiting until they are over the age of 30 to have children, and these women are more likely to conceive multiples. The other, probably more significant factor, is due to the use of fertility-stimulating drugs and assisted-reproductive techniques (ART), such as in vitro fertilization. In fact, more than half of the infants born through ART were from multiple births.

    The more babies a woman carries at once, the greater the risk of complications. The greatest risk with multiples is early labor resulting in premature births. More than half of twins, 90 percent of triples, and virtually all quadruplets or more are born preterm. These babies, like all preterm babies, face numerous health challenges both in the newborn period and later in life in the form of possible lasting disabilities. Other complications of multiples include high blood pressure and diabetes.

    An ultrasound exam can detect almost all cases of multiples by the beginning of the second trimester. Because multiple pregnancies are automatically termed “high risk,” it is absolutely essential that mothers-to-be of multiples eat properly, get plenty of rest, and make frequent visits to their doctor.

    Study: Drinking Vegetable Juice Boosts Weight Loss

    Drinking at least one glass of low sodium vegetable juice every day may help overweight dieters lose more weight.

    In a study, adults who drank at least 8 ounces of vegetable juice as part of a calorie-controlled heart-healthy diet lost 4 pounds over 12 weeks, while those who followed the same diet but did not drink the veggie juice lost only 1 pound.

    It's possible, study investigator Dr. Carl L. Keen told Reuters Health, that vegetable juice helps reduce a person's appetite. "There is also a long-term belief that a high fruit and vegetable diet is associated with lower body weight," added Keen, who is with the University of California, Davis.

    All 81 participants in the study, almost three-quarters of whom were women, had metabolic syndrome - a cluster of risk factors including excess body fat around the middle, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high cholesterol. It's estimated that 47 million Americans have some combination of these risk factors, placing them at increased risk diabetes and heart disease.

    All of the study subjects were encouraged to follow the American Heart Association's "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension," or DASH, diet, which is high in fruits, vegetables, fiber, minerals and low-fat dairy products and low in saturated fat and salt. In addition, they were randomly assigned to drink 0, 1, or 2 cups of low sodium, high potassium vegetable juice every day for 12 weeks.

    The vegetable juice drinkers — in addition to losing more weight over 12 weeks than the non-juice drinkers — were also more likely to get the recommended 3 to 5 servings of vegetables daily.

    Vegetable juice drinkers also significantly increased their intake of vitamin C and potassium, while decreasing their overall carbohydrate intake.

    "Diet and body weight are key modifiable factors in changing the course of metabolic syndrome," principal investigator Dr. John Foreyt, of Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, noted in a written statement.

    Most U.S. adults don't get the recommended servings of vegetables each day. Vegetable juice, Keen said, "is a very good, portable option and may be a good way to help close the gap."

    Keen reported the results of the study, which was funded in part by the Campbell Soup Company, this week at the Experimental Biology convention in New Orleans.


    Shingles: The Adult Version of Chicken Pox - Are You at Risk?

    Most adults who had the chicken pox when they were children would be loathe to repeat the experience.

    Anyone aged 60 or older should receive Zostavax, the shingles vaccine, which will decrease their chances of getting the shingles outbreak.

    The itching, the scratching, the general feeling of malaise.

    In fact, many people think that once they've had the childhood malady, they are immune from getting it again.

    But the chicken pox never goes away, and anyone who had the virus as a child is at risk of it coming back later in life, but with an entirely different set of symptoms.

    Shingles, a reactivated, adult version of the childhood disease, can be much more painful. And unlike the chicken pox, where spots are likely to show up all over the body, shingles are confined to one side of a nerve, said Dr. Joseph Rahimian, an infectious disease specialist at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Manhattan.

    “What makes it easy for doctors, if you get shingles, is that it’ll always be on one side or the other,” Rahimian told “It’ll never cross over to the other side of the body.”

    Are You at Risk?

    The chicken pox virus usually reactivates as shingles when a person’s immune system is weakened: For many people it’s because they are stressed, for others it’s because their immune systems have been weakened by infections, or it can occur in the elderly, who have naturally weakened immune systems.

    That’s why anyone over 60 who had chicken pox as a child should receive Zostavax, the shingles vaccine, which will decrease their chances of getting the disease, Rahimian said.

    If you have never had chicken pox, you are not at risk for shingles.

    However, the disease is so contagious, many adults most likely had it as a child and might not remember having a mild case of the virus, Rahimian said. A simple blood test can determine if the varicella virus lives within your body.

    Shingles can result in postherpetic neuralgia, or PHN — a condition affecting nerve fibers and skin. PHN can occur in the area where the rash happens, and that can lead to extreme pain, Rahimian said. PHN can linger long after the shingles have cleared up.

    “It’s also a cosmetic issue, it can scar. But the biggest issue is that the pain is very severe, that’s why the vaccine is being promoted. The vaccine reduces PHN.”

    Before you actually come down with shingles, you may feel a tingling or abnormal sensation in the area where the rash is going to develop. Patients do not develop fevers.

    Once shingles develops, the rash will look like small cysts, Rahimian said, and it’s imperative to see a doctor immediately, as there are anti-viral medications that can treat the disease.

    The average shingles case takes seven to 10 days to clear.


    Regular Sex Keeps you Healthy

    Sex isn’t just an immaculate source of joy, pleasure and bonding, it is equally beneficial for your overall health and well-being. Mounting evidence suggest that sex keeps us healthy, the more you have it the better of you are. It’s a proven fact that healthy people have more sex, some of the potential benefits of sex are-

    a) Sex keeps you away from depression and stress; release of orgasm provides instant relief and excellent sleep.

    b) Orgasm is as powerful a pain killer as any prescribed drugs.

    c) A recent study reveals that women who have oral sex and swallow sperm have lower chances of high blood pressure.

    d) Sex helps protection against stroke.

    e) Frequent ejaculation decreases the risk of prostrate cancer; it doesn’t matter how you reach the climax (masturbation or sex).

    f) Sex is a helping hand in healing wounds faster.

    g) Sex is a form of exercise and like all exercises it helps you burn calories. Frequent long sexual session is an excellent way to remain fit and healthy.

    h) Sex is good for your skin, according to dermatologists frequent sex keeps the skin healthy and glowing.

    i) A healthy sexual life decreases the chances of getting sexual problems like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation in men. Women who are into frequent sex with their partners have more chances of experiencing and intense orgasm.

    j) Last but by no means the least; sex keeps the relationship between lovers and couples intact. Sex is vital ingredient for a long lasting relationship.

    The list of sexual benefits is never ending. Enjoy it to experience other positive effects of sex.

    Study: Having 8-14 Alcoholic Drinks a Week in Middle Age May Prevent Dementia

    A six-year study of 3,069 people age 75 and older has found that people who consume moderate amounts of alcohol in middle age have a lower risk of developing dementia, the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel reported Monday.

    Specifically, researchers from the Medical College of Wisconsin in Wauwatosa and Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, found that people who drank moderately -- eight to 14 drinks per week -- were 37 percent less likely to develop dementia, compared with those who did not drink at all. It did not matter what type of alcohol they drank, the newspaper reported on its Web site.

    The risk decrease is similar to the benefit of exercising at least three times a week, said senior author Kaycee Sink, a geriatrician at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. The findings will be presented Monday at an Alzheimer's Association conference in Vienna, Austria.

    Moderation appears to be the key, however.

    This is because study also found that drinking more than 14 drinks a week nearly doubles the chances of developing dementia and other Alzheimer’s related symptoms, the researchers warned.


    Study: Fruit, Vegetable Antioxidant Boosts Exercise Endurance

    Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables rich in the antioxidant quercetin may boost endurance, according to a small study with healthy college students.

    The 12 fit college students, who were not regular exercisers, were given quercetin supplements for 7 days, which appeared to boost exercise endurance compared with a similar 7-day period without supplements, researchers report in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.

    Quercetin, a compound abundant in red apples, red onions, berries, cabbages and broccoli, and green and black teas, is believed to have multiple antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and cell-energy activation properties that benefit health.

    However, most previous research involved animals, report Dr. J. Mark Davis, at University of South Carolina in Columbia, and colleagues.

    To test whether quercetin supplements benefit energy production in humans, Davis' group enlisted 7 men and 5 women, an average of 23 years old, to participate in a crossover study. At the beginning of the study, investigators measured students' maximum oxygen uptake and the number of minutes they could ride a stationary bike.

    For 7 days, the participants followed their regular routines and diet, but drank Tang plus placebo, twice daily. For another 7-day period, the participants drank Tang containing 500 milligrams quercetin. The investigators again measured the volunteers' maximum oxygen uptake and exercise endurance. This process was repeated after another 7-day period when volunteers drank similar tasting and colored Tang without quercetin.

    Compared with days of no supplementation, the quercetin supplement periods were associated with a modest — nearly 4 percent — increase in maximum oxygen uptake. Quercetin was also associated with a 13 percent increase in "ride time" before the volunteers were too fatigued to continue.

    These findings suggest quercetin "may be important in relieving fatigue that keeps (people) sedentary," Davis commented in a university press release.

    If confirmed in further investigations, quercetin supplementation may become a beneficial endurance booster for regular exercisers and athletes alike, Davis and colleagues surmise.,2933,529537,00.html?sPage=fnc/health/fitness

    Heart Patients Told to Walk Farther, More Often

    Walking far and often may be the best exercise prescription for overweight adults with heart disease, a study published Monday suggests.

    In a clinical trial of 74 overweight heart disease patients, researchers found that a calorie-burning regimen of longer-distance, moderately paced walking improved patients' risk factors to a greater degree than shorter, more-intense bouts of exercise.

    After five months, patients in the former group had lost twice as much weight and body fat. They also showed greater improvements in cholesterol, blood pressure and other risk factors for heart attack and stroke.

    Dr. Philip A. Ades and his colleagues at the University of Vermont in Burlington report the findings in the American Heart Association journal Circulation.

    Exercise is one of the key components of cardiac rehabilitation, a therapy often used to help people recover from a heart attack or heart surgery, or to manage chronic cardiac pain in the chest, called angina.

    However, the exercise regimen typically involves a short time on a treadmill or stationary bike, which burns relatively few calories.

    The problem with that, according to Ades and his colleagues, is that most patients entering cardiac rehab today are overweight and need to shed pounds.

    For their study, the investigators randomly assigned half of the patients to walk at a moderate pace for 45 to 60 minutes, five to seven times per week. The goal was for them to burn 3,000 to 3,500 calories each week.

    The rest of the patients followed a standard exercise prescription of

    25 minutes on a treadmill and 8 minutes on an ergometer — such as a stationary bike or rowing machine — three times per week.

    As mentioned, along with their greater weight loss, patients who walked farther and more often tended to show bigger improvements in cholesterol, blood pressure and, in particular, sensitivity to the blood-sugar-regulating hormone insulin. Problems with insulin sensitivity can lead to type 2 diabetes and contribute to heart disease.

    The findings suggest that cardiac rehab programs should remodel their exercise regimens on the "walk daily and walk far" principle, according to Ades.

    Cardiac rehab exercise protocols were developed in the 1970s, he told Reuters Health, when patients recovering from a heart attack or heart surgery spent up to two weeks in the hospital, and were then advised to rest for a month or two before starting rehab.

    At that point, patients would be so deconditioned that the focus was mainly on boosting their fitness levels with short, relatively intense bouts of exercise.

    But now, Ades said, patients enter rehab much sooner and are less likely to be out of shape. However, 80 percent are overweight — making weight loss a priority.

    Walking farther, while keeping the pace moderate, is also something most heart disease patients can manage, according to Ades. Patients who have the go-ahead to exercise can gradually build up the distance of their walks without special supervision, he said.,2933,519921,00.html?sPage=fnc/health/fitness

    8 Pains You Mustn't Ignore When Working Out

    When it comes to muscle soreness, there is pain that is tolerable and that you can work through, and then there is pain that you need to sit up and listen to.

    Here are the eight body pains you mustn't ignore:

    1. Sudden Head or Neck Pain

    If you experience a sudden painful feeling in your head, especially when squatting with heavy weight, stop immediately and have a look at your form. This body pain you mustn't ignore could be a result of a blood vessel being overloaded due to pressure, or a seizing muscle that is having difficulty dealing with the stress of the weight you’re lifting.

    If you are one of the many men lifting incredibly heavy weights when performing your squats, be sure to look forward and concentrate on keeping your shoulders and neck muscles loose. If you aren’t, they may be taking some of the force of the weight, which could eventually lead to a serious strain in this area of the body.

    2. Extreme Groin-Area Tenderness

    Again, if you’re performing heavy squats, deadlifts or lunges (which can be particularly bad for this) and you get a very tight, sudden pain in the groin area, it’s time to stop and take note as this is a definite body pain you mustn't ignore. This could range from a simple muscle cramp or a muscle pull, depending on the severity of the injury.

    If you try to perform the same action once again (move down into a lunge, for example), and the pain still occurs, only with less severity, this is a strong signal that you’ve really pulled your inner thigh muscle.

    While some muscular soreness is to be expected when performing a hard weight-lifting session, this type of tightness — almost cramp-like — is a signal that something is really hurt and you need to back off before you do more damage. If this is the scenario, stop with that lift and move on, only performing exercises that don't hurt for the remainder of the workout. Be sure to stretch that area as much as possible immediately following the workout. If you can, apply ice to help take down any swelling that may have occurred.

    Give it about four days to a week to heal, and then proceed with your usual lifting schedule once again.

    3. Sharp Back Pain

    While you should always be paying attention to any type of back pain you experience as this can become a chronic condition, when the pain is sharp and direct, stop immediately as this is one of the ultimate body pains you mustn't ignore. Sharp pain is usually a very good sign that something is wrong, and this could range from a slipped disc to a pinched nerve.

    If you've been performing a great deal of lifts that require you to bring the weight overhead (such as snatches, military presses, etc.), then you are constantly loading the vertebra with a lot of excess weight.

    All it takes, on your part, is one slight adjustment to your stance for a vertebra to move out of alignment, which could also lead to pain throughout the body, depending on which vertebra is dislocated.

    Try to get yourself to a medical professional as soon as possible so you can asses just how much damage you did, and get the issue corrected before lifting once again. It’s important not to attempt any more lifting whatsoever while you have this issue because your spine is the base of all movements. When something is problematic with your spine you could risk injuring yourself further if you load any part of your body with weight.

    4. Ankle Pain While Running

    Many runners are extremely dedicated to their sport and are used to experiencing pain at some point or another during their workouts. Any time you try to force your body to run the types of distances some runners do, you are bound to wind up with some aches and pains.

    Unfortunately, this also means that runners have become very accustomed to pushing through this pain and forcing themselves to keep going, despite some of their injuries being body pains they mustn't ignore.

    When you’re running and you experience the type of pain in your ankle that makes your foot want to give out upon impact, it’s time to listen up and stop. This could be a sign of a sprained ankle or a strained ligament, and if it's not looked after, you could be facing weeks away from your training.

    The ankle joint is loaded with a variety of ligaments and tendons, so it’s not that extraordinary for something to occur with just one off-balanced step. Having a proper pair of running shoes and trying to run on only level surfaces will go a long way toward preventing ankle pain from happening, but it’s impossible to completely eliminate the risk. If you are going to run, learn to pay attention to your body and know when enough is enough.

    5. Extreme Levels of Hunger

    For many men, getting their ideal body is a high priority in life. Whether they are actively tossing the idea of competing in a body-building competition around in their minds or they simply want to show off what their hard work and dedication in the gym has done, they will push themselves to extremes in order to achieve their goals.

    Once the muscles have been built, this means turning to the diet aspect of things and taking control of the food you put in your mouth. If you are quite serious about your diet and have been restricting yourself for a month or more (while also approaching sub-10% body fat levels), it’s important to really listen to your body.

    At times, after a period of very strict dieting, the body’s hormonal balance can get shifted around and you will experience intense hunger that just doesn't seem to go away, regardless of what you eat. At this point, it’s a clear sign that your body is trying to tell you something, and you should take a week or two off your diet before continuing. This is more than likely the hormone leptin acting in the body, which serves to regulate your body fat stores.

    Bring your calories back up, then proceed with the diet regime. Not only will your body thank you for the much-needed break, but you’ll also likely find that, once the break is over, fat loss will get ramped up once again because your metabolism is in full working order.

    6. Feeling Light-Headed

    Another body pain you mustn't ignore when performing your workout is light-headedness.

    This most frequently occurs after you’ve done an exercise where you are partially bent over and then rise back up into the standing position again. While some light-headedness is expected in some individuals — if it’s an ongoing issue for you — it would be smart to have your blood pressure checked out as this is indicative of low blood pressure.

    While many need to watch their blood pressure to ensure it doesn’t get too high, for you it may be too low and you could risk fainting during your workout. Considering the danger that could be at stake if you felt dizzy while holding a weight overhead, you can see why it is essential to pay attention to this particular body pain.

    One thing you may want to consider doing is making sure you are consuming enough salt in your diet. While you don’t want to go to the other extreme and start salting everything in sight, not worrying quite so much about your salt intake (if you are presently trying really hard to avoid it) may actually be a good thing.

    So long as you are healthy and don’t have pre-existing health concerns, a slightly higher salt intake for very active individuals can be beneficial, since they will lose salt while they are sweating.

    Keep in mind that this is not to be taken as a medical prognosis, and if you are experiencing this issue quite often, it’s really best to seek professional medical advice to be sure nothing more serious is at stake.

    7. Relentless Shin Pain

    Shin splints are another common running injury that can be quite persistent over time and are a result of continual pounding on the tibia bone. While some shin pain may just be due to overuse and can be remedied with a few days off, if you’re suffering from shin splints, you'll require a more in-depth recovery process.

    If you are experiencing some shin pain, take note of how long it’s been going on and exactly where it’s located. If it’s been two weeks or more, book yourself an appointment with a sports doctor to have it looked at.

    If the problem gets worse without help, you could eventually wind up with a stress fracture.

    8. Ongoing Fatigue

    Finally, the last type kind of body pain you mustn't ignore is fatigue that just doesn't seem to pass. You get more sleep; you try adjusting your diet; you take a few days off; you're doing everything you can think of to make yourself feel better, but nothing works. This could be a sign that you are severely overtrained.

    Many men are accustomed to pushing through pain and fatigue, so it’s quite easy to overdo it when it comes to your workout volume and regime.

    If you find that you are becoming less motivated for other aspects of your life that you used to enjoy, aside from your workouts, this is a sign you could be overtraining. Likewise, if it’s been a while since you've taken a thorough break from the gym and you haven’t seen much progress in the last little while, this is a sign that it’s time for a break.

    Depending on the severity, overtraining can take anywhere from two weeks to many months to fully recover from, so catching this body pain you mustn't ignore sooner rather than later is highly beneficial to you and your recovery.

    Pain Pain Go Away

    Be sure not to overlook these body pains you mustn't ignore when you’re in the gym. Having a high threshold for pain can be a good thing when you are really trying to push yourself, but if you aren’t aware of which pains are going to really damage you, you could be setting yourself up for big problems at the end of the day.


    6 Unexpected Health Benefits of Sex

    The following are six different reasons why sex and sexual activity may help you live a longer, happier life due to the health benefits of sex:

    1. Sex Can Cure Headaches

    All those times that you were told, "Not tonight honey, I have a headache," all you had to do was inform your woman that one of the health benefits of sex is its ability to act as a pain reliever. The hormone oxytocin (a nine amino acid peptide that is synthesized in hypothalamic neurons and transported down axons of the posterior pituitary for secretion into blood) secretes within your body whenever you engage in sexual activity.

    Because of this secretion, endorphins (hormone-like chemicals that bear a close functional resemblance to morphine) are released.When a person is aroused or excited, oxytocin levels not only begin to increase, they are the reason that orgasms come about. Studies have shown that a rise in oxytocin levels can relieve pain; everything from headaches, cramps and overall body aches can be diminished with a simple roll in the hay.

    2. Reduce Stress, Sleep Well

    A recent survey revealed that people who have more sex reported that they felt more at ease, happier and learned how to handle stress better. So perhaps the term "sexual frustration" is not too far from the truth. After an orgasm, an intense wave of calm and relaxation overcomes humans (that's why men usually fall asleep) and it's a time when people can truly liberate themselves and let go. Plenty of people who enjoy a regular dose of sex convey that they sleep much better during the night and feel alive and refreshed throughout the day. So, one of the health benefits of sex is a better nights sleep, which allows you to handle day-to-day stress much more efficiently

    3. Increase Blood Flow

    It goes without saying that when we get aroused our blood starts to pump at a quicker rate and, thus, blood flow to our brain increases. Both an increased heart rate and more blood pumping through the brain result in better performance (in and out of the bedroom).What this ultimately means is that the fresh supply of blood pumping through your body provides the organs with a healthy dose of oxygen and rids the body of old and wasteful products. So, another health benefit of sex is a cleansed system. Treat your temple right with the help of a little excitement.The health benefits of sex will give you more hormones and keep you younger...

    4. Body Maintenance

    One of the health benefits of sex is that it helps to keep you fit and it can keep you in constant awareness of your body image. Everyone likes to know that they have a nice physique and continually being naked in front of another person can be somewhat of a good incentive to stay in shape.

    Believe it or not, sexual intercourse burns off 150 calories every half hour. Although the average couple engages in sex for approximately 25 minutes a session only three times a week, it still accounts for 450 calories that are better taken off than put on.If you're more active than average, then that will only make things more beneficial for you and that lucky gal. A health benefit of sex, particularly a rigorous hour of sex, is that it may burn even more than 300 calories depending on how rigorous you get.

    5. Fountain of Youth

    Although the orgasm is sometimes referred to as the "little death," having at least two orgasms a week can increase your life span. Every time you reach orgasm, the hormone DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) increases in response to sexual excitement and ejaculation.DHEA can boost your immune system, repair tissue, improve cognition, keep skin healthy, and even work as an antidepressant. Therefore, a health benefit of sex if you keep the orgasms coming, is potentially a longer life.

    6. More Hormones Are Good

    Both testosterone and estrogen levels experience a boost through regular sexual activity. Testosterone does more than just boost your sex drive, it helps fortify bones and muscles, and it keeps your heart in good working condition as well. In women, sex increases the levels of estrogen, which protects against heart disease. Ever wonder why women love the touchy, feely stuff so much? It's because of their rise in estrogen levels. This hormone also plays a huge role in a woman's body scent. While estrogen makes women sentimental, a rise in their testosterone levels is what makes them desire penetration.

    Men also produce estrogen and as they age, their estrogen levels increase while their testosterone levels drop. This reversal often results in men becoming somewhat calmer as they get on in years.

    More Benefits of Sex Galore

    It's quite evident that there are many health benefits of sex. It increases brain power, heart rate, it can help fend off diseases and ailments, and it makes individuals feel good about themselves.In today's stressful society, it has become a little more difficult to engage in intimate sexuality as often, but as long as you incessantly make the effort, you'll realize that it's always worth it.

    The health benefits of sex will make you feel wonderful within and without and you will gradually notice that the more sex you have, the more bounce you will have in each step. Happiness isn't sex itself, but sex does ultimately play a role in human happiness.


    A Man's Role in Recurrent Miscarriage

    How Sperm Quality Can Cause Pregnancy Loss

    Scientists in Columbia have discovered that men have a role to play in recurrent miscarriage. It was previously thought to be solely a woman's problem with possible causes being female related, such as a lack of necessary hormones, cervical weakness or difficulty in implantation. Now researchers of infertility have found through various studies, that a cause of miscarriage can be due to poor sperm quality.

    The University of Antioquia, MedellĂ­n, Colombia study

    23 couples were enrolled, who had had a history of three or more miscarriages, and an additional 11 men who had recently become fathers, to act as the control.

    Semen samples were taken from all the men and checked for the following:

    • Lipid peroxidation - this is oxidation, where free radicals 'steal' electrons from the lipids in cell membranes and this causes cell damage in the sperm.
    • Antioxidant capacity - this refers to how much antioxident activity there is against free radicals.
    • Sperm fragmentation.

    The 11 men with a history of recent fertility had a higher percentage of sperm with good morphology (shape), motility (ability to swim), concentration (higher counts) and antioxident capacity than the 23 men whose partners had a history of recurrent miscarriage.

    They concluded that the male factor of miscarriage should be taken into consideration and that sperm quality, or lack of it, was associated with miscarriage.

    Why Would Poor Sperm Cause Miscarriage?

    It is thought that sperm of poor quality make weak embryos. Damaged DNA can also cause genetic disabilities or birth defects in the baby. If the formation of the embryo is too weak, then miscarriage will occur.

    An earlier study in India also found the same results. Researchers from the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare looked at the cases of 35 women who had had recurrent miscarriage but had also been found to be reproductively normal in fertility tests. After these women were found to have no identifable infertility condition, they turned their attention to the husbands.

    Although the majority of the men had normal sperm counts and motile sperm, 80% of the samples contained structurally defective sperm which would make a genetically weak embryo.

    Environmental pollution is being blamed for the rise in men with defective sperm.

    Dr. Misro, lead scientist at the Bio Medicine department of the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, said

    "The revelation is startling and will help millions of women who are socially ridiculed. This study proves that men should not blame women for recurrent miscarriage. They are equally responsible."

    Indian women are sometimes stigmatized for having had a miscarriage because in India, women hold a much more celebrated status in motherhood. All the supporting research on the male contribution to pregnancy loss will be very helpful to women in these communities, as well as helping western women not to feel guilt about the loss of their baby.

    Sources: Fertility and Sterility, ity DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2009.05.028

    National Institute of Health and Family Welfare.

    Vegetarians 'avoid more cancers'

    Vegetarians are generally less likely than meat eaters to develop cancer but this does not apply to all forms of the disease, a major study has found.

    Eating a salad
    About half of the participants were vegetarians

    The study involving 60,000 people found those who followed a vegetarian diet developed notably fewer cancers of the blood, bladder and stomach.

    But the apparently protective effect of vegetarian did not seem to stretch to bowel cancer, a major killer.

    The study is published in the British Journal of Cancer.

    Researchers from universities in the UK and New Zealand followed 61,566 British men and women. They included meat-eaters, those who ate fish but not meat, and those who ate neither meat nor fish.

    Overall, their results suggested that while in the general population about 33 people in 100 will develop cancer during their lifetime, for those who do not eat meat that risk is reduced to about 29 in 100.

    Special protection?

    The researchers said they found marked differences between meat-eaters and vegetarians in the propensity to cancers of the lymph and the blood, with vegetarians just over half as likely to develop these forms of the disease.

    In the case of multiple myeloma, a relatively rare cancer of the bone marrow, vegetarians were 75% less likely to develop the disease than meat-eaters.

    The reduction was less notable for fish-eaters with these cancers. The reasons, researchers said, were unclear, but potential mechanisms could include viruses and mutation-causing compounds in meat - or alternatively that vegetables confer special protection.

    There were also striking differences in rates of stomach cancer. Although the numbers of cases were small, fish-eaters and vegetarians were about a third as likely to develop the disease as meat-eaters.

    Previous research has already implicated processed meats in stomach cancer, so these findings were not entirely surprising. It is thought N-nitroso compounds found in these meats may damage DNA, while the high temperatures they are cooked at may also produce carcinogens.

    But the same reduction for vegetarians was not found with cancers of the bowel, one of the most common forms of the disease. The vegetarians in the group in fact had a slightly higher rate of cancers of the colon and the rectum, although not significantly so.

    But the relative risk for fish-eaters and vegetarians of cervical cancer was twice that of meat-eaters. The number of cases was small, and could be down to chance but the researchers said it was possible that dietary factors influenced the virus behind cervical cancer.

    Professor Tim Key, the lead author, said it was impossible to draw strong conclusions from this one single study.

    "At the moment these findings are not strong enough to ask for particularly large changes in the diets of people following an average balanced diet."

    Vegetarian diets tend be lower in fat and higher in fibre, but they can require careful planning to ensure necessary protein and vitamins - notably B12, which is mainly derived from animal products - are taken in sufficient amounts.

    'Complex process'

    A spokesperson for Cancer Research UK, which funded the research, said: "These interesting results add to the evidence that what we eat affects our chances of developing cancer. We know that eating a lot of red and processed meat increases the risk of stomach cancer.

    "But the links between diet and cancer risk are complex and more research is needed to see how big a part diet plays and which specific dietary factors are most important.

    Myeloma UK said this was the first data of its kind for the bone marrow cancer "and for that reason we are treating it with caution.

    "Dietary advice to myeloma patients remains aligned with national guidance - that they should eat a healthy, balanced diet high in fibre, fruit and vegetables and low in saturated fat, salt and red and processed meat."

    Dr Panagiota Mitrou, Science and Research Programme Manager for the World Cancer Research Fund, said: "The suggestion that vegetarians might be at reduced risk of blood cancers is particularly interesting.

    "However, this finding should be treated with caution since not much is known about the link between diet and these types of cancer. Further studies of vegetarians are needed before we can be confident this is actually the case."
